Case Advocacy
Some basic rights are denied to some people. Advocacy is founded on the belief that people are of equal value regardless of ability, wealth or status and are therefore entitled to equal rights.
We should all be entitled to the following rights:
To make decisions about our lives
To receive the social and health services we need
To know our rights
To be treated with respect
To enjoy opportunities in leisure, education, training and employment
Not to be discriminated against
To make a complaint when things go wrong
Who do we help?
Not all of us are good at speaking up for ourselves. Sometimes we are not listened to.
We help people with:
Mental Health problems
Anxiety or depression
Physical disabilities
Communication difficulties and
Vulnerable older people
Case Advocacy
Here at IANE we have a dedicated team of case workers who work with people on specific issues. They start with an initial chat to identify the issue/s we can help with and any appropriate action that may be required.
Last year our team successfully helped over 600 people with varying issues. Housing concerns, family problems, transport/mobility problems and support at care co-ordination meetings to name just a few