Care Act 2014

Local authorities must abide by the Care Act (2014) and involve people in any decisions made about them, their care and/or their support. No matter how complex a person’s needs, local authorities are required to help people express their wishes and feelings, support them in weighing up their options and assist them in making their own decisions. The Care Act (2014) places a duty on local authorities to arrange independent advocacy for any person with care and support needs who has substantial difficulty in being involved and if there is no appropriate individual to support them.           

At IANE we assist the person to look at options and to be part of the decision making process. We help with: care plan assessments, preparation of care and support or support plans, review of care and support or support plans, safeguarding enquiries or assessments and safeguarding adult reviews.       

Young People in Transition Project   

The transition project is now well established in Beacon Hill, Woodlawn and Tyne Met, where we are currently working with 30 young people. Work within these establishments has been invaluable ensuring that the voice and opinions of young people are heard and acted upon. We are still looking for funding to expand and pay towards this project, however we will continue to work with these young people under provisions in the Care Act (2014).  Advocacy has continued to ensure that young people’s views are taken seriously and listened to by everyone who is involved in their care, education and future. Another positive for the young people we work with and ourselves is that we get to know individuals who may become future services users for other reasons. We hope that if they need some assistance in the future they will call on IANE. Or from perviously working with IANE they will have the confidence to advocate for themselves.